Friday, 27 April 2018

Getting Sassy with Classy Cassie

Sorry, these by-lines just get worse.
But it that kind of silliness appeals, you're in for a treat.
For less than a pound/dollar/euro, you can indulge in a unique bit of "mucky British smut." Five short stories full of cheeky sauciness, featuring the decidedly dodgy adventures of Sexy Lexie and a couple of her friends: Picky Vicky and Sassy Cassie.
Click to get your copy of More Jeopardy, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Don't take my word for it - here's what some of my lovely beta-readers are saying:

Dramatic, swoon-worthy romance – KC, Amazon Reader

Kent is my all-time favorite fictional boyfriend! Lord is he hot and sweet and romantic! And did I say hot? What happened with Cassie was so, so hot to me, when she gave him permission *swoon* that was some amazing reading! Mark and Lexie's story is a great addition to what happened in Triple Jeopardy, each of these stories add just a little more to Lexie's dramatic yet realistic universe.

Got my blood flowing!
– KB, Amazon Reader

I really like this series - I dream of Lexie!! I enjoyed meeting new characters and really felt bad for Vicky, although I saw it coming. The Domination part got my blood flowing, but I was happy to see that the action stopped when Cassie said NO. I like happy endings. My life is so busy that it is nice to read a short story and see the happy ending fairly quickly.

Dreaming, scheming & dodgy steaming – FJ, Amazon Reader

Sexy Lexie is back along with old & new friends. It conjured a song title from one of our favorite artists: “You can Look (But you can't touch)" - Springsteen. At least not without permission!

Truly a fantastic read! – Amazon Reader

Great premise: intriguing women in troublesome situations I love this author, she writes with sass and a fantastic British voice. I don't always enjoy short stories, I usually like my books to be more meaty, but the blurb sold me. I'm glad it did!

And here's some kudos from the professionals:

Unique, cute and sexyCarter Editing Services

Sexy Lexie is back and these stories are just as great as the first. Ms. Green is on a roll when it comes to creating sexy, hot tension between characters. And bonus! This time we get some romance and love stories with it. I LOVE the personality of Ms Green’s writing. Giving life to everything in the universe is a unique ability that not everyone can pull off and she does it perfectly.

Penetratingly Absorbing – Book Viral

Green has the uncanny ability to make readers care for her characters, delivering plots and narratives that vibrate with an impending sense of danger. The overarching theme makes her prose quite dark, but she always manages to inject a timely element of humour. There’s a powerful element of social commentary that’s expressed not in words, but in emotions that will leave many of her readers deep in thought.

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